Technical Content Services is now offering a General Operations Manual that complies with the new FAA SAS requirements.
This GOM is the ideal document for new operators, and for operators who have an outdated document, and who would like to make their GOM SAS compliant.
General Operations Manual (GOM)
This General Operations Manual has been developed based on the complete set of FAA SAS requirements for the typical operator, including jet and transport category aircraft operations.
The GOM supports maintenance requirements for aircraft with nine or fewer passenger seats. Future expansion is easily possible to operations with aircraft having ten or more passenger seats.
SAS Support: Included with this manual at no extra charge is an additional document that provides an inventory of the FAA SAS checklist items and the location of each item in this GOM. This will greatly speed the approval process and assist your FAA Inspectors with the task of ensuring compliance with SAS requirements. More on that below.
What You Are Getting
When you use Technical Content Services as the developer for your manuals, you are not ‘buying a manual’. You are getting a business relationship with a professional technical writer who is also highly experienced in Part 135 operations and has over a decade writing manuals for Part 135 operators. See the About page for more information.
GOM Contents
The GOM contains expanded procedures for the following topics.
1. Manuals and Documents
2. Operator, Management and Personnel
3. Record Keeping
4. Computer Based Record Keeping*
5. Safety and Environmental*
10. Operational Control
11. Crew Qualification and Assignment
12. Flight and Duty Time Limitations
13. Aircraft and Equipment
14 Initiating and Terminating Flight Operations
20. Weight and Balance and Aircraft Performance Requirements
21. VFR / IFR Operations and Weather Requirements
22. Flight Operations
23. Standard Operating Procedures
24. Passenger, Cargo and Cabin Policy
25. Emergency Flight Operations
26. Aircraft Fueling
30. Cold Weather Operations
31. RVSM Operations
32. RNAV / RNP Procedures*
33. ADS-B Procedures*
40. Emergency Response Plan
41. Incident / Accident Reporting
42. Drug and Alcohol Program
50. Maintenance Control and Airworthiness
51. MEL / NEF Procedures
52. Maintenance Program
53. Maintenance Procedures
54. Inspection and Maintenance
55. Maintenance Record Keeping and Reports
60. Company Forms and Electronic Reports
*Topics noted with an asterisk are provided with a basic framework since the content will vary significantly with the operator and aircraft.
The GOM is structured in 6 major sections. Not all numbers in each section are used, allowing you to add chapters in the future without renumbering the entire manual.
The organizational structure of this manual was designed to maximize ease of use by management and crewmembers, while also keeping FAA SAS topics closely organized. This allows your POI and PMI/PAI to rapidly review and accept this manual.
This GOM has been built to handle operators of jet, multi engine and single engine aircraft with nine or less passenger seats. Procedures in this manual are adequate for all three aircraft groups. The layout was planned to allow for the addition of extra sections or procedures without forcing substantial page renumbering.
For aircraft with 10 or more passenger seats, a full CAMP/CASS is required. See the page for the General Maintenance Manual – GMM.
SAS – FAA Safety Assurance System
Many operators are concerned about and frustrated with the SAS DCTs (checklists). This GOM has been designed to take all of the aggravation out of the SAS review process and provide you with pre-filled checklists. See the page on SAS for more information.
Operations. All SAS Operations questions for jet, multi engine prop and single engine prop aircraft have been addressed within this GOM.
Airworthiness. All SAS Airworthiness questions for jet, multi engine prop, and single engine prop aircraft with nine or less passenger seats have been addressed within this GOM.