Daily Archives: June 1, 2020

Part 145 manuals now available.

After substantial research and development, the Repair Station / Quality Control Manual, the Training Program, and Statement of Compliance are finished. Contact us for work samples and more information. The manual has been developed to align with the most recent version of the FAA SAS questions, as listed below. This is a 46-page list of questions condensed down from approximately 150 pages if printed from the FAA website. SAS DCTs for Part 145 Certification 1.1.6 Safety Programs1.4.1 Personnel Records1.4.2 Certificate Requirements1.4.3 Manuals1.4.4 Quality Control System4.1.4 Training and Qualifications4.2.6 Technical Data4.2.7 Air Carrier and Air Operator Requirements4.3.7 Work Away from Station4.4.6 […]

SAS Updates, Spring 2020

Having had several new projects starting up recently, it was time to take a look at the updated SAS DCTs. [Click here to go to the latest DCTs] Overall the changes were not significant. A few additions of questions, and some minor rewording. One thing that has been a noticeable change from the first versions of the SAS checklists is that they have become more finely-tuned and some of the less important questions have been edited out. It also seems the SAS team has spent some time getting the questions grouped better by actual DCT number. The first versions of […]